Monday, November 30, 2020

November Goes Out On A Better Note Than October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I wanted to include a beautiful  picture, to end November.  Can you believe we have gone through 11 months, with just one more to go.  The year some thought  would never end  will soon  become history.

                                      The operative word of  these days,  at least for me,  is gratitude.

                                       That I made it this far.  Living to turn  66.  Being with my beloved, David. 

                                       Also, I have some  delicious tidbits coming  up  in  December.  I have all the book  lists,  and  I will be posting about them  during the coming  month.  I have an especially heinous murder  to share with you all.  And, of course, we will not forget  the Holidays; I have a theme, which will  be revealed  tomorrow, and other things I need  to write about.  Then  will  come the year wrap up. That is  sure to be  something.

                                       I am also grateful  for  the wonderful Thanksgiving meal  David prepared the Sunday before.  Also the lovely take  out meal, supplied to us,  by the  Greenhouse  Cafe!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I  got a clan bill of  health from  my cardiiologist, so I feel so glad I went  through  the heart ablation procedure.  It was worth it.

                                       Yes, my dears,  November was one of my best months on here!

                                        See you next year, for surprises,  and  the Big Year Countdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



  1. Bring it on, 2021!!
    🎼I’ve got all my life to live and I’ve got all my love to give and I’ll survive,


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks to you AND Gloria!
    I sing that song to myself,
