Wednesday, December 30, 2020

56 Years Ago Today..........................

                                    That is  when  I  got  my first  pair  of  eyeglasses.  And this is what they looked  like,  except the upper part was brown,  not  black.  They were in a little  brown case that snapped shut,  and  had, on each side,  a drawing  of  a  basketball player, and a baseball  player.  These were glasses for  boys,  you see.

                                      Hey, it  was 1964,  I was in  fourth  grade,  and  who the  hell,  then,  knew  anything?  Least  of  all, me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I  did  know  enough that, where I came  from,  eyeglasses  were a  sign  of social  economic,  and intellectual status.  They were very  IN,  darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Thank God  styles have changed!

                                       Now, with my glasses, I  look like  Stephanie March!

                                        At least, with the glasses!  If only I had  her hair!