Monday, December 7, 2020

Hey, Girls, How About A "Camp" Christmas, This Year?????????????????????????

                                   Please do not misunderstand me.  I am not suggesting dismissing altogether The Miracle Of The Baby Jesus.  After all, that is the true reason Christmas is celebrated.

                                    But everyone knows this is as different a year as was never expected.  So, why not "camp" up your Christmas this year?  And I am telling you, for me, this picture, completely in pink is my idea  of  the ultimate in Christmas decoration.  "Camp,"  that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Who needs company, when one has a room like this?  Just ZOOM this to your loved ones,  or those not loved, and  you will be the envy of  all.  Especially the latter.  If only I had seen this pic earlier in the year.  Obviously, it requires months of work.

                                         For those with skills in construction, perhaps this  could be mounted in time  for  THE  day!  As for me, and  many on  here,  looking at this  pic will  have  to  suffice.

                                          But,  "camp" is one way to invest some variation into your Christmas!

                                           Wherever that "camp" may lead you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!