Monday, December 7, 2020

How Many Games Today Teach Anything????????? Let Alone Art History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Let's face it, darlings, once this pandemic is over, we  will still be a culturally arid nation.  Courses and  majors  like  Art  History will eventually vanish  from the curriculum vitae of most colleges.

                                               So, this Victorian/Georgian game , called "Wonders Of Art World," is not only visually arresting, making for a great wall piece, but  one can actually learn  something.

                                                 Sure,  in my day there was "Go To The Head Of The Class," and "Game  Of The States."  Not to mention  Parker  Bros. game "RISK" could be argued as educational.

                                                    But nothing nearly as  sophisticated as learning about art masterpieces, girls! I mean, God forbid people should learn anything today.   I am almost ashamed to say I probably learned about human  biology,  via the Milton  Bradley game, "Operation!"

                                                    See why this past era of  games fascinates me?  Wouldn't it be great to find one of these under your tree,  on  Christmas  morning?

                                                      Dream  away, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Things children learn from iPads- how to be disrespectful to grandparents


  2. Victoria--
    Sounds like they are giving you
    a rough time. I am sorry about

  3. Thanks. It’s not the children’s fault.
    I’m just in a sad mood.
