Thursday, December 31, 2020

Persons Of The Year For 2020, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        We have a trio,  this year girls,  so withoout wasting any time, let's get going!



                                       As always, Sister  Camille D'Arienzo,  for her love, inspiration, and the messages of  hope  and  forgiveness she  pours out each  Sunday.  She has been a force of nature in helping  us here get through this Covid  year,  and  we wish here on behalf of  my readers and myself, health and  blessings, in  the year ahead!

                              A figure  new  to me, this year, but another living saint.   Dr. Anthony Fauci has been  the  calm leader at the storm  of catastrophe this year, with his  messages of hope, reason, graciousness, and warmth.  And, yes,  girls, isn't he just  the cutest?

                                        And  last, but not least, seventeen- year- old Greta Thunberg, for  her devoted activism to climate change;  something needing  watch over in the coming years.   Greta  was  counted  on this year for  insight, good  judgement,  and sense.  Wishing  you many more years  of  dedication and hope  for  us, Greta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Who could be more worthy than  this  trio?????????????????????


  1. I agree on all three.
    But even Sister Camille would not wish for me to continue to allow others to keep me feeling so sad, confused, frustrated, and uneasy.


  2. Victoria,
    She might not wish it,
    but I am sure she would understand.
