Thursday, December 31, 2020

These Were The Symbols Of 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      What else,  girls,  but  the Corona Virus,  or Covid19,  which has been the number one news topic  for the  major portion of the year?   When  people, decades from now, look  back  on  2020, this is what they will  think  of.

                                          Unless, they think of another symbol, and it is no surprise to  me there is  a  connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                          That  is the  "Karen!"  Oh, don't kid yourselves,  entitled bitches, both male  and female, have been around, since Time  began. But it  took  Covid, and the anti-maksers, to crystalize entitelement into a name, and with that name, and the virus, the misbehavioor has  only gotten  worse.

                                             While I  hope  the vaccines help eradicate Covid, while some police  charges  and a  good smack in the face is  deserved by all these Karens,who  should be made rid  of, immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 What  a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have too many Karens, female AND male, and I’ve had it.


  2. Victoria,

    May the Karens vaish as Trump does.
    I believe they are connected.
