Thursday, December 31, 2020

So Long, 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Before I  wrap  up, just to remind all  my girls, that, after this post, the next time  I  write it  will  be  2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Congrats to  all  of us who have come  this far!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just to recall some enjoyable moments from  the past  year!

                                          1. Celebrating Lynda's 90th birthday!

                                          2. Going to Washington,, D.C., with  our  neighbors, Dan  and Jennifer,  and staying at the Willard  Hotel.

                                         3.   Having tea at The  St. Regis.

                                          4.  Dining  at Le  Bernardin, before  the  lockdown.

                                            5. Seeing the  ENCORES! produciton  of "Mack  and  Mabel," a fitting  show---a great one!--to end theatergoing, for the time, on.

                                            6.  Reaching my goal  of  100 books  read.  I think  I will clock  out  at 102.  Very  apt, as  shall be explained.  Not to mention coming through a heart ablation OK!

                                             7.  Thanks  to  all my animal friends--our beloved Chloe,  whom,  sadly, we lost this year,  plus Cujo, Nicholas, Indiana  Jones, Seamus, Sparky, Rowd  Dexter, and our own, beloved, Baby Gojira, who enrich my life  with  their  love.   May we  all  do  the same next year,  and meet  some new friends.

                                             8. And last, but  not  least,  my beloved David,  without  whom living  through this  would not be possible.  I treassure  the blessing of his presence every day, as  he continues to work  from home.   I urge  you all  to treasure  you  and yours!

                                                    So, until  next  year,

                                    Love to  all,  from The Raving Queen (40 lbs heavier, here!) and David!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     See you in  2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh I had forgotten about Tea at The Saint Regis!!
    You lost FORTY pounds??
    Add that to your list of accomplishments!!!!
