Sunday, January 10, 2021

Let Me Introduce You To Justin Michael Weinberger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It is my displeasure introducing you to this piece of sickness.  When I relate what he did, I  am  sure you  will  agree  with me.

                                    If there is something  sad about Justin,  it is not only what happened, but whether it had to,  or if it could have been prevented.

                                     Justin was the product of a well  to do family in El Dorado Hills, in El Dorado County, California, an affluent suburb  in the area of Sacramento.  His father was a court prosecutor,  and his mother was an educated woman. And,  from Justin's  photo,  he appears affable,  with,  if not stunning, than average, youthful good looks.

                                        Justin was fine with all this.  The problem was his sexual outlet was not  just pornography,  but the most  heinous kind  of all--kiddy porn!!!!!!!!!!   Sick, sick,  sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On November 6, 2000, the FBI came to his home, and, because they had detected the porn on it, seized the computer, and took it away.

                                            I have  to wonder what his parents must have thought.  Or did they care?  Did they  bother  to question  what  their son was  into, on the  computer?  Did something happen  in  his past that brought him  around to this?  Was he abused?  And what kind  of  relationship did his parents have,  or not,  with him,  that they could see signs  along the  way.

                                               It makes me  wonder. Because, two days later,  on November 8,  2,000, Justin lost  impulse control.  Without the  computer,  he wanted to take it  up a notch.   He wanted to go out on his own, and actually kill a child,  especially a little girl, as,  among  other things,  he wanted to find out what it was like to have  sex with a virgin!!!!!!!!!!! Nice,  huh????????????????????

                                                  So, on that day, Justin drove around, and  spotted 12-year-old Courtney Scance, a  sweet innocent,  walking  home from school.  He approached her, lured  her into his car, and  drove  to Feather River Lake, near  Nicolaus, where he raped  and  killed her.  Just because he wanted to.

                                                   Now in  his  thirties,  he had to have been in  his teens  when he killed  Courtney. Her poor family, and  what that  poor child was  forced to endure. Today,  he  is serving  a life sentence at The R.J. Donovan State Prison, in San Diego County, California.  

                                                   A good thing  he was caught in time. I don't  know what  transformed  him--I wish I did--but he was clearly a budding serial  killer  caught early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    "The wicked very old,  the wicked very young,"  as Lillian  Hellman  wrote in her classic play,  "The Children's  Hour."


  1. I actually looked up this sicko and his story and I wish I hadn’t.
    Like the Arnie Hammer story, some things you wish you could un-read.


  2. Victoria,

    I agree. I too found this very

  3. I just stumbled upon your blog (Not sure how I got here. I may have been following a link for Svengoolie.)

    I did not recognize the perp's name at first, but as I read your story I realized that I knew the case, and was very surprised to see it mentioned. I lived in the neighborhood at the time (I did not know the victim's family, but was familiar with the house) and as I drove through there yesterday for some odd reason suddenly started recalling it. It really shocked us at the time as the house was a short distance from the corner market down a busy street and she was kidnapped in broad daylight, and the neighborhood wasn't bad back then (a bit sketchier today).

    I'm really curious as to why it caught your attention, as I thought it was pretty obscure. It happened the same time as the Bush v Gore election drama, and it quickly fell out of the news. Nowadays very, very few people around here are even aware of it.

    BTW, the perp lived in the next county, not Rancho Cordova.

    Not so Fun fact; this is also the area where the Golden State Killer, then known as the East Area Rapist, began his reign of terror.

  4. dthg,
    I am a Svengoolie watcher, too,
    so you may very well have stumbled onto
    her, via that. Do you know of the name
    of the county Weinberger lived in? I
    will gladly correct it.

  5. Justin Michael Weinberger was from El Dorado Hills, El Dorado County, which is 22 miles east of Sacramento. Courtney and her family lived in Rancho Cordova which is about 14 miles west of El Dorado Hills.

    JMW is now at RJ Donovan State Prison in San Diego County.

    He is maybe 40 by now as he was 19 when he took Courtney’s innocence and life that terrible day.

    DTHG, I lived there as well. Sometimes I go by Mitchell Middle School, sit on her memorial bench and read the words on the plaque and remember who she was.

  6. Courtney grew up just down the road from me. She was such a great young lady who was very visible in the neighborhood. Everywhere you looked you saw Courtney, she loved sports and was a true tomboy. Cordova lane will never be the same. Rest in peace Courtney 🙏


  7. Unknown,
    Thank you for your very moving
    tribute to Courtney. She was
    taken much too soon. Justin
    is where he belongs, and I
    hope he never gets parole!

    1. Justin is NOT where he belongs!! He should be strapped to the electric chair and have the switch thrown over and over again. Let him get to the brink of death, stop and then start all over again. Hell has a special place for him and other animals like him!!

  8. Unkown,
    I agree with you on principle.
    However, this was the sentence handed
    down to Justin, so it unlikely will
    not change.

    He is a monster, and maybe in
    prison he will get his comeuppace.
    Child killers are not popular with
