Saturday, January 9, 2021

Let This Be The Symbol Of 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, girls,  in  light of what happened earlier this week,  (which you will  hear  me on,  shortly) I  am  not  advocating a  display of the Confederate flag.  Hardly.  But let us not forget that this image, and the story it comes from-- "Gone  With The  Wind" -- is a universal one about  survival,  and for those of us  fortunate  enough  to  make  it through  2020, we must  keep  forging  ahead through 2021, and  that is  why  Scarlett's stance registers  so powerfully with me.

                                Even getting  through the  first  week has been one  of  survival.  Emotional  for  most,   and, tragically for some,  physically,  who did not survive, otherwise, we must persevere in the wake of such extremism.

                                  So, take a cue from Scarlett.  Do  not be defeated by  these domestic  terrorists.

                                    Or,  as Blanche Du Bois  (also played  by Vivien Leigh)  might have said, Don't hang back  with  the brutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Listen, girls,  and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. There’ll be no sorrow there,
    No more burdens to bear,
    No more sickness, no pain, no more parting over there,
    And forever I will be
    With the one who died for me
    What a glorious day that will be...


  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for those words of
