Saturday, January 9, 2021

This Was Not An Outtake From "Les Miserables," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Let me  start by stating  that January 6, for the Christian community, is a generally peaceful  day.   It  signals the  official end  of  the Holiday season.  It is collectively known  as the  Epiphany, Three Kings  Day, Little Christmas,  or the  Feast Of The  Three  Kings.   It  is  not  a time for violence.

                             Which makes what happened  this week at the Capitol tragically ironic.  That  one of  the most  violent acts in our  history--my lifetime--should happen on such a peaceful meaning  day.  And  you can thank the outgoing Presidient  for  that,  as  he engineered the whole  thing,  and I am  sure,  if not  he, someone understood  the meaning of  this particular day, and chose it.

                                I  am  no political activist,  but it  broke  my heart to see such an  iconic structure broken  into,  and damaged.  I was  saddened that several,  even one of "their own" died.   No  one  deserved to.  I began to  fear worse--setting fire to rooms,  burning down or  blowing  up the structure,  in which case hundreds,  maybe  even  top  delegates,  would  have  died.

                               Let me say.  I have relatives  out there who I know to be right-wing.  But even  so, I do not believe  they would condone what happened this week at the Capitol.  The extremists, though many in  number,  even  those not there,  are a representation, not a majority.   If  they were, things  might not have  imploded on  them, as they had.  Trump was  finally trumped.

                               Now, cries ring  out  for "resignation," and "impeachment."  Why weren't such declarations  heeded sooner?  And  speaking of sooner,  what  is  this  about the National Guard not  being called out when it should have been?  Joe Biden  was  right.  If  this had been a  different  organization--say,  Black  Lives Matter,  or the LGQBT--things  would  have been handled  differently--and that  is  not  a  compliment.

                                Now, almost  too  late,  delegates, to  cover ass,  as well  as  others  deceived  until  now,  are crying  out  for justice, against Trump.  I  have  for anything proposed,  but  I have  my own  insidious  brand  of  justice for  him.

                                  Two  options.   Tie him  to  a  chair, funnel  force  feed  him  fast food, till  he chokes, similar to  how  Robert Morely was fed his poodles baked in pies, in  the 1973 film,"Theatre  Of  Blood."  Or,  take  him  to  the San Quentin  gas  chamber, and instead of execution by gas, have him gassed from  the  vile stench of  his own  fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      That  is how to handle  a  White  Trash Dictator!  And  his extremist followers,  all  of whom  are domestic  terrorists!

                                     As a cry for  peace,  and an inspiration for  now, I shall  close with  "The Flesh  Failures.," from "HAIR."  As  in  1968, same  as  today--the  title  represents  every  one  of us.

                                      "Let The  Sunshine  In," darlings!!!!!!!!!!  It is  about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well said.
    I have nothing to add.

  2. Victoria,
    The hearts are apt. This
    incident was so heartbreaking.
    And I am worried about the
