Sunday, February 21, 2021

Are These The Millenial Von Trapps??????????????????????????

                                   I simply hate this commercial, and will get into why, but let me say that, the way it is staged,  it reminds me of the children's entrance in "The Sound Of Music."

                                   However, though the boys live  in a nice house, and the father obviously cares about them, the fact that they are breakfasting at McDonald's shows a lack of sophistication, which the Von Trapps  certainly did not have.  And, on this ad, from the sounds they make, I am surprised to see only two boys come down the stairs, because the shouting and rushing sounds like a herd of children--at least four!

                                     So, these are Millenial Von Trapps.  Trouble is,  if they are nurtured on a diet of McDonald's, eventually they will grow into obese, dumb jock types.  Who needs more of that?

                                      You want to talk media propaganda?  This is it, at  its worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Stick to "Sound Of Music," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOLZ
    I had So Long Farewell in my head, and now it’s The Lonely Goatherd!!
    Those voices in my head...


  2. Victoria,

    It is funny how "Sound Of Music" popped into
    my head, when I first viewed this commercial!
