Sunday, February 21, 2021

Girls, Make Sure You Get Your Covid Vaccine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It was like something out of dream.  I went on my portal, and scheduled an appointment for this past Thursday, right in my neighborhood.  Just as I was walking out the door, because  of the storm,  the place  called, saying they were closing  down.  So,  I was scheduled for yesterday, at 10:50AM.

                                         No cattle call, stampeding, fighting, clamouring,  or  cursing.  It could not have been more easy-peezy.  And I made an  appointment for my second, next month.

                                           It really did not hurt at all,  dolls.  I did, and still have, a rather sore arm, as a result, but no more  than the flu shot, and, hey, I can type on the keyboard with my left hand/arm.

                                           Next, I have to get David to have his.  I have a feeling his will be in a pharmacy.  Meanwhile, we are all still maintaining protolcol.

                                             Like they say, do it  for your loved ones,  as  well as yourself.

                                              And if any anti-vaxers get on and attack me, I will have some choice  bitch words for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    I just missed the whole polio
    thing. My sister recalls it very well.
    And no there did not seem to be so many
    anti vaxers. To this day, a child has to
    be fully innoculated to enroll in public

  2. Sister Camille must have been looking out for you to have such an easy time getting the vax: the horror stories I've heard from everyone else have left me quite content to take my chances until its available as a casual walk-in at CVS or Walgreens (like the flu vaccine I get every year).

    For one thing, its astonishing to hear they actually opened a vax center right in your residential neighborhood: virtually all the others are located on the grounds of housing projects, and a couple of racetracks/stadiums. As if that wasn't convenient enough, apparently after booking the web appt you just walked right in? Everyone else I know had to navigate multiple painfully inept and confusing post-registration web pages, each one requiring a print out of admittance papers to gain entrance to the vax center, then wait outside on interminable lines despite having a specific appt time. God must love you and want to preserve you as much as we do, my friend...

    By the time my elderly parents and I can get vaxxed, the new strain from Brazil will have wiped out half the state already.


  3. My Dear,
    My sister, after much aggravation, finally
    got her vac the Monday before me. David cannot
    believe how easy it was. And, yet, I just
    walked in.

    Sister Camille, Bernadette et al. must have
    their eye on me. May I be worthy. That you
    and your parents cannot get this yet is a crime.

    David will end up at the pharmacy I feel. He thinks
    it will eventually become so available it can be given
    away. But I am not taking any chances. David sees
    a doctor later this month, will try and get a note
    With your cardio issues, you should be able to, as
