Sunday, February 21, 2021

I Survived The Dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Yes,  girls,  on this past Wednesday, Feburary 17, it was that time again.   Only I was now visiitng in the face of having had a heart ablation,  and  being  on a blood thinner, like  Eliquis.

                                      I suffer from DAD--Dental Anxiety Disorder--to begin with. But it was elevated by the aforementioned.

                                         Happily, everything went well.  No discomofrt, cavities, and a clean bill of health, for the next six months.

                                          Be grateful for small favors, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Good for you, for going!!
    I need to get over my anxiety and just get it over with

  2. Victoria,
    It is worth it. Otherwise
    you find yourself with mounting
    pain and debt!
