Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Happy Spy Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Of course, I  don't know if happy is the right word for this day, when  Judas made his  dirty deal. I just don't want folks out there to use this as an excuse for voyeurism,  or spying on other people.  Those in the know  may very well think that is what Spy Wednesday is  for.

                                                       It's actually more MYOB!

                                                        You have to feel somewhat sorry for Judas.  He did something bad, then went out and, due to remorse, irrevocably ended his life.  What about going to Jesus?/God  for  forgiveness?

                                                          Maybe that is  the underlying message of Spy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head; that MUST be the underlying message.
    Forgiveness is available to All who are truly repentant, right?
    I am going to look this up in my study Bible this evening!!


  2. Victoria,

    I would appreciate knowing what it says.
