Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I Have Something To Say About This Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The actress's stridency in delivering her lines gets on my nerves.  Even though she looks and sounds like a young Kim Stanely, and may have the potential  to become one, the script she is forced to play makes me want to gag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Because it is all PHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I have an ax to grind.  Not with the actress, whose name I do not know, but with Spectrum!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Listen  up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Toward last evening, while David was still remote working,  the computer acted funny, then came back.  When I got on here, last night,  to write my blog,  I just about went on Google,  when CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!   There went the computer, our cable and land line phone.  For  five  hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             It came back  around  11PM.  Like, who writes, then?  Not at this house!!!!!!!!!  Then, around 10AM, today, it happened again, and we were out for several  hours.  We  went for a  walk around 3PM, leaving the TV on, working.  When we returned, a half hour later, it  was out.  Later, it came back on, and now everything is  fine.  But, for how long????????????

                                              Specturm,  get your act together, or you will lose customers.

                                               And, actress, if you want to get someplace, you are going to have to get better material, and get rid of those stagy hand gestures.  Neither Patty Duke nor Anne Bancroft were this calculatedly artificial in "The Miracle Worker."  Darling, they were  the REAL thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Sure, I know the pay is great, so are the royalties, and bills have  to be paid, but at some point,  you have got to think about ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Not  "Art Who?"  Art WHAT???????????????????????????????



  1. All that time I was in South Carolina, internet was unreliable.
    I will Never take it for granted again!
    I hadn’t realized just how dependent I had become on technology!


  2. Victoria,
    Funny you should say that.
    As you read from the post,
    we had been having problems
    for several days. Thank God
    for our cell phones, or
    we would have no outisde

    Glad you are back!
