Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Back To Hell This Film Goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "From  Hell It Came" is delicious crap, but, girls, let me tell you, Suzanne Ridgeway, as Korey, the social climbing bitch, steals the show!

                                                     She is also a fool.  She is willing to give up her husband, Kimo's,  (Greg Palmer, who is pretty hunky!) life, so she can be Queen to Chief Maranka (Baynes Barron), the Witch Doctor,  who wants no part of the White Man's medicine.  See what happens  when you don't take AP Biology,  darlings????????????

                                                        Once Kimo  is buried, he will eventually grow out of the ground as Tabonga, the Tree Monster, whose name, aptly enough, means "Revenge."  Which he justifiably gets.

                                                         Korey soon gets a taste of her own medicine, when the Witch Doctor turns her away, in favor of  Tani Marsh, as Naomi,  who distinguished herself, the following year, by appearing in the screen classic of 1958, "She Demons."  Chief Maranka, seeing how avaracious Korey is,  tells her plainly he does not want a traitor  for a wife.  Smart man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             You have GOT to seen the fight scene between Korey and Naomi, with things ending with Tabonga appearing, grabbing Korey, and throwing her into the quicksand, when we all cheered.  There has been nothing like this until twenty years later, with Anne Bancroft and Shirley Maclaine in "The Turning Point!"

                                                                  And, let me tell you, there have never been islanders like these.  No pretense  of an accent,  or ethnicity; sexy, clinging sarongs, and Fifties hair styles?  Plus, the Americans have a Fifties American stove and refrigerator, in the middle of nowhere?  It has to be seen to be believed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But here is something to consider.  Could these have been the Diana Nellis Dancers?  They came to full glory in 1958, with "She Demons."

                                           Which should be lauded, not consigned to Hell, as this film deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Satan wouldn't be able to sit through it!

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