Tuesday, May 11, 2021

You're Not Going To Believe This, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, they say Broadway is coming back.   Good luck with that.

                                      I decided to check out ticket info. on "The Music Man."  Had Covid not hit, it would have been my top choice.  Though I am sorry Jessie Mueller was not cast, even though she had done it already, at the Kennedy Center.

                                       Now, as I suspected,  should the Great White Way be lit again, tickets  would  go up.  But this?

                                          Listen to this.  On one site  I looked,  Orchestra seats were priced  at $2K+--I kid you not!--while  the Mezzanine and above ranged from  $750-$900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Don't blame the stars, darlings, blame the producers.   Are they for real?  Who the hell can afford to go to this?  If this is for  real,  kiss Broadway goodbye.  Theater  queens cannot afford such prices.

                                              Now, on  another site, I saw a different set of  less expensive  prices.  Orchestra  seats will  range frorm  $250  to $500.  Granted, it is not four figures, but who is  going to pay this much?  Again, who can?  Mezzanine and  Rear goes  from $99-$279!   

                                               Come on, close to $300 just to sit upstairs?  Even,  let's face  it, $100 for the nosebleed section is steep.  I can remember when that was a top price--and unprecedented.

                                                  Another thing.  "The Music Man" is a revival.   People will go and see it.  But after the first rush,  it will quietly fold  up, and go.  Look at the 2018 revival  of "Carousel," one of the best theatrical experiences  of  my life.  Covid  eliminated, it should still be running.  But  it  closed after five months; once those really interested got to see it.

                                                       Lastly, darlings, like BARBRA, LIZA, and  "FOLLIES,"  I have always wanted to play the Winter Garden. If I do, I won't stiff my public.

                                                          Hell, I may issue comps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It’s outrageous.
    There were some as low as fifty, but they are sold out of course


  2. Victoria,
    As posted, I saw different price
    ranges, on different sites. However
    high it goes, it is a disgrace! I
    would pay $50 to sit in nosebleed land,
    but, as you said, they are gone, already!

  3. Err...

    I think you may be forgetting one itty bitty factor...


    These prices and the entire production hinge on him being the star for a limited run. For reasons I can't fathom, he's guaranteed box office gold: the last play he did was him literally reading the phone book to Daniel Craig, and it sold out within seconds at bucket list prices.

    Mind you, I do like him, find him very attractive, and think he's very under-rated as an actor in films (anybody who can make me take a superhero movie seriously has got major chops). But I don't really get the insane appeal he has to tourists and show queens whenever he trots the boards in a musical.

    He's a major draw, perhaps the single biggest draw Broadway has had for the past 20 years of his occasional stage appearances. So the Shuberts will make damn sure this show extorts every possible dime from its audience. TKTS discount? Student discounts? Standing room? Forget it. You'd have better luck getting cheap seats for Bette in Hello Dolly on opening night.


  4. My Dear,

    Tkts for 'Dolly' with Bette were
    cheaper. Also with Bernadette, whom
    we saw.

    I like Jackson too, but he is not
    Barbra of Liza in their prime. And
    you are right; it will be a limited run

    So, those of us who really care about
    theater are shut out. Even with an
    Orchestra price of $500, neither David or
    I would go!

  5. Totally agree. I will stay home with Svengoolie. They can keep Broadway
