Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Never Forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I meant to write this post yesterday, but, in the wake of  it being the first anniversary of George Floyd,Jr.'s death,  I decided to wait until today.

                                               For those who may not  know,  the child, pictured above,  is  Etan Patz.  On May 25, 1979,  he disappeared while walking to school, from his SoHo home, and was never seen again.  He was on milk  cartons,  the subject of news programs, books, and movies, and may still  be New York City's Most Famous Missing Child.

                                                   Eventually, this date became known, because of Etan, as "National  Missing Children's Day.

                                                 It was a fame neither his parents or family members wanted.  He would have been 48 today.

                                                   For so many years, his vanishing was a mystery.  The body was never found.  Many theories  developed, including some insisting he was still alive.  Here is what I have come  to accept.

                                                     Jose  Ramos, the boyfriend of  the Patzes' current babysitter, abducted and killed him.  He had a  history of child  molestation, which the tramp babysitter either did not know,  or see fit to reveal to the parents.   If the latter is the case,  she should be culpable,  too.

                                                        In some quarters  of  NYC,  Etan Patz is  code  for  child  abduction.  If one happens, sooner or later, his name will  come up.

                                                         To think this happened, and awakened me, during my own  personal  tragedy--the death of my mother, just seven weeks before.

                                                        May this tragedy alert parents to stranger danger. And vet whom  you hire to care for  your children, making sure no tramps are employed, as babysitters.

                                                           Rest In Peace,  Etan.  You were not looked out well enough,  here on Earth.

                                                             If I were a NYC parent,  my hired babysitter would only be a Miss  Porter's graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Maybe if  that  had been  the case, Etan would be alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. And two years later, Adam Walsh.
    That was about the end of our innocence.


  2. Victoria,

    Adam Walsh was only two years
    after Etan Patz? I had forgotten.
    I read his father's book about it,
    and I cried buckets. That poor
    child, and the sick depraved scum
    that did this...and there are others
    out there!

  3. Yes, 1979 and 1981.
    So much evil in this world.
    Why do people do the things they do; we don’t need excuses but genuine Reasons, Explanations that might help us to understand and hopefully Prevent this senseless violence
    Mental illness, messed up childhood, original sin??


  4. Victoria,
    A lot of it is mental illness,
    or twisted brain chemistry, from

    It also seems to me the times. Since
    the Trump and Covd eras, violence and
    abuse of all kinds has increased to
    a proportion I cannot recall in my
