Wednesday, May 26, 2021

This Was A Movie That Never Should Have Been Released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     There is simply no way to describe how awful "King Kong Escapes" is.    The best performance was given by Mie Hannah, as Madame Piranah, an alleged spy whose side I am still not clear she was working for.  What was clear is that most of the film's budget was spent on  her Sixties influenced, Jacqueline Kennedy wardrobe.

                                                          By contrast, there was Linda Miller, a wannabe Japanese model, in  the role of Susan Watson; clearly the Fay Wray stand in, but without talent or the looks. Trying to be Doris Day, with a dubbed  Betty Boop style voice to match, it is  outrageous to me,  a Theater Queen, that this character was the name of a genuine Fifties and Sixties musical theater ingenue.  And to  think she empathized with Kong--and that he responded.  I don't know  what the  filmmakers were going for here,  but it was not cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             And to think Universal had a hand in its distribution, at least in America. Must have been some deal made with  TOHO.  I would  love to know who at Universal put this deal together.   As soon as this  film was shown  in  the United States,  I can guarantee that  person was canned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               "In the can" is where this movie should  have been left.  Svengoolie,  please don't do this to us, again.

                                                               Tomorrow, I will reveal  what is being shown this coming Saturday!!!!!!!!!!  A big improvement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A waste of time, money... just a Waste.

  2. Victoria,
    I could not agree with you more.

  3. I just shake my head at all the useless shows that somehow get produced, books that get published, songs that become popular, clothing fads that catch on, language that becomes acceptable,


  4. Victoria,

    I so agree. This is not a time of
    cultural high ground.
