Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Can You Believe It, Girls????????? Time To Welcome Yet Another Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I should have written this post, yesterday, once I discovered the follower indicator was at 117.  Again, I cannot ascertain the name  of our latest reader,  dolls, but I can officially welcome them to this site,  and wish them full enjoyment from it, which I do.

                                            Recently, I have developed an interesting theory about how people find their way here, and while I  may not be able to prove this, I believe I am on to something.

                                             Certainly, many gay men--and perhaps some straight--do read this.  However, I think most of my readership is made up of women--and that  is just fine, with me.  BUT, the reason that got them here was their disgust over that thing  by that Paltrow creature called GOOP.  I don't care if she makes  money hand over fist, just the name is  disgusting.   Better  to  stick  to  that Slime Toy children play with, today.  What can be gotten from GOOP?  Whereas I can  give info., fun,  humor,  insight, bitch and book recommendations, fashion and  more.  All one  gets from  GOOP is scammed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  As I said before, poor Blythe Danner.  Sigh.  What is the poor woman  to do?

                                                  Forget the GOOP, and  get the scoop on things here, darlings!  On behalf of  all my girls, and myself, I bid  you a gracious  welcome.

                                                    Which,, of course, is  never complete, without this blog's unofficial welcoming theme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Down with goop, up with Scoop!!
    She really is a vulgar young lady.
    Correction middle-aged lady.


  2. Victoria,

    I forgot she is middle-aged, too.
    Blythe is 78, and she looks better than
    her daughter. A better actress, too!
