Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I Want To Be Emily Charlton, In "The Devil Wears Prada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        With the  movie  having now  been  around  for  fifteen  years, and the novel even more, whether  you are a woman, gay man, fashionista, some, or  all, of the above,  "The Devil Wears Prada" lives in your bloodstream--it certainly does, in mine!!!!!!!!!!--and there are times when  it occasionally pops out!  And, right now, I  think  I  am going through one  of those times.

                                          Even back in 2006, I knew more  than Andrea Sachs.  I knew who Miranda Priestley was a stand-in for, as well as the character of  Nigel,  played by Stanley Tucci.  I certainly had a sense of fashion, because I certainly was the best dressed male at my work place,  save one other.  Besides  the two of  us,  oh my God, the results were positively awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even talk about it.

                                            I also knew how to spell Gabbana, as in "Dolce And Gabbana," and,  if I did not,  would have had sense enough to look it up on the computer.  I know that when asked to go to a designer, it is the showroom, not the residence.  So, I think, in context  of the movie, I would have beaten Andrea out for the job.

                                            Which is my way of saying, "Hey, Miranda! (wink! wink!) why not hire a gay man as your assistant,  or second????????????"   Is this turning into some  sort of cover letter?  Who knows?  Maybe.  Let me put it this way--if offered an interview, I would do it in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Now, as great as everyone is in the movie--and they ALL are--I must  confess that when I first  came  to "The Devil Wears  Prada," the character I most  identified with was Emily Charlton.    Actually, when I was flourishing for more years than not, at my former workplace, in a way I was Emily--answering phones, multi-tasking, dealing with wack  jobs.  I also got  the chance to "be Emily Charlton" during  my stage management period--dealing with directors who were so off the actors came  to me for performance suggestions, keeping a  production flowing, going up on time, and,  like the "RUNWAY" book  in  the  movie,  knowing  every content item  in  my production  prompt book.  So, I have had a taste of "being Emily."   And  I loved  it.  And I confess I miss it.

                                                  I know I need  a  make-over, like Emily Blunt,  pictured above.  Of  course, there might have to be adjustments, as my coloring is  considerably lighter than hers,  which means outfit tones might have  to  vary,  in  accordance with my pastel orientation.  I am sure if I could get into a place like where Nigel takes Andy, it would be like turning me loose in a book shop, or theater--I would  know right where to go, and what to  pick out,  for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   However, I do have some  questions, which I would prefer answered by some  "Emilys" out there.  Or anyone, for that matter.   For instance--

                                                                     When Andy's alarm goes off at 6:15AM, with Emily calling her  to get  to the  office  instantly, because of some emergency, Emily is  already there in full regalia. What the hell  time  must Emily have had to get up,  to put  herself together, and  get to  the  office,  so  she is already going  full  force,  at that extremely early hour?   Or does she  just spend the night there?

                                                                          Why the hell doesn't Andy dump  Nate for Christian?  He can do more  for her than Nate, who  only offers coarse, callous,  impassive sexuality.  How can a girl from Andrea's background be even SEEN with someone, like that?   I wouldn't be caught on the same street corner, near him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                             So, enlighten me, girls!  Yes, I have a purpose with this blog, but maybe I need a challenge beyond trying to read 100 books  a year.

                                                                               Or maybe I need to prove my former workplace wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                              Whatever, "The Devil Wears Prada" is on my mind.  And I think  I know why.

                                                                                You see, dears,  Miranda (wink!  wink!) may be the THRONE, but Emily is  the  POWER behind the throne, the one who keeps the machinery running.  I would  much rather be the POWER  than the THRONE.  I am comfortable  at  it.



                                           Which Emily outfit do you think would best suit me?

                                            Oh, and by the way, I need a red colored Schwimmer Eye Pencil!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would Love to hear more about your Stage Management period!
    Now That would be a movie!!!


  2. Victoria,
    Oh, that was some period!
    I thought about going to YSD,
    and getting a degree in Stage
    Management, and working in
    regional theater. But I also
    needed stability. I have some
    ideas for posts on myself I
    have not yet talked about, so
    watch out for them
