Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Girls, Faith Domergue, With The Aid Of Shadows And Puppetry, Steals The Show In "Cult Of The Cobra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                             Few could beat Faith in the B-horror glamour department.   And she has a field day,  here.  I want  her  wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Imagine Asia, or Hindu, or India, as depitcted on the  Universal  back lot.  Imagine a snake  charmer named Daru,  with no  trace of an  accent, and  a snake that is a puppet on a string.  And picture a bunch of  hunky Air  Force buddies crashing a snake cult ceremony, angering the Snake Goddess, and placing a curse on all of  them.  And one of the  men is  Rico,  played  by my first  childhood crush,  David Jansen,  who  is killed off, all too soon.

                                                    Wait  till you see how Universal depicts New York City.  Cheap apartments  that resemble  Park Slope brownstones.  Rico's bowling Alley is on Charles Street, in  the West Village.   Now, tell  me,  even  in  the Fifties, how  do you get a bowling  alley on Charles  Street?

                                                       The  fun  really starts when Faith,  as Lisa Moya,  comes to New York, and moves, conveniently, across the hall from two of the officers,  Pete and Tom, who happen to  be roommates--and  are straight.   Faith/Lisa spends the rest of the movie acting with her eyes,  evaporating by shadow into a slithering snake so phony you could pick one up  in a shoddy Florida  highway gift shop.

                                                          If you missed all this fun, you have GOT to see "Cult Of The Cobra."  And if you spot  similarities  to Val  Lewton's 1942 "Cat People," and  Nina Foch's 1944 "Cry Of The Werewolf," you are right on target.

                                                          Faith makes it  well worth  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Look into these eyes........what do you see??????????????????????