Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Darlings, When (Or Whenever) Things Get Back To Normal, It Is Up To Us To Look As Good As Gibson Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Let's face it, dolls,  Covid has killed hundreds of  thousands, as well  as culture,  the arts, the  economy,  and  peoples' lifestyles.   But it has also  killed glamour.

                                             People holed  up in dwellings, not caring how they look, appearing as if  they have been on a bender, whether or not  they have.

                                               So, when it is time to get out there, we have got to look our Gibson best.  I mean,  ANNA (Wintour)  must be having a hell of  a time  getting out this September's issue of  VOGUE.   How in hell will she do it?  What will it look  like???????????????????

                                                 And how about the designers?????????????????????

                                                 Must fashion, too,  go the  proverbial  way of all flesh??????????????

                                                  Don't  wait to be all  Gibson-ed up!  Maintain a daily beauty regimen, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I  am  telling you,  this  is  how  Earth  evolved into  the "Planet Of The Apes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I went out in pajama pants the other day.
    The were Nice pajama pants, but still...

  2. Like George Costanza, my message to society was, “I give up”


  3. Victoria,

    Since retiring, maybe to make up
    for the last 35 years, or because
    of the meds I am on, I do not
    arise before 10am. It seems I spend
    more time in my night clothes, than
    day ones. It is almost like being
    a recluse.
