Monday, June 7, 2021

My Heart Does NOT Belong To This Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Who is this Jonathan Parks-Ramage?  The answer is not much.  If "Yes, Daddy" does  not turn out to  be the worst book of the year, well, then,  I will be surprised.   How low can I go?????????????????????

                                                   The title is fairly pornographic.  There might as well  have  been a  Tom Of  Finland work of art on the cover.

                                                     What the author comes up  with is  a cliched  compendium  of "All  About Eve," "The Silence Of  The Lambs," , a gay-centric "Fifty Shades Of Gray," with some "Lord Of  The Flies" thrown in,  plus a bit  of "Deathtrap."   Even 'Fifty Shades,'  on its  own,  would be better.

                                                         Here's the deal.  Jonah Keller is an aspiring writer trying to make it in New York.  Welcome to  the  world,  Jonah!  He tries, a  la  Eve Harrington, to ingratiate himself  into  the  life of a successful, wealthy playwright, named Richard Shriver.  Richard lives on  a compound  in  the Hamptons, surrounded by friends and a coterie of equally good-looking, male twenty somethings, like  Jonah.  But,why are there burises on  certain  parts of their bodies????????????????

                                                               After being feasted and feted, Jonah meets his  reality--indentured servitude and sexual enslavement, in a place where no one can get at them.  All are at  the mercy of  Richard and his  friends.   The depictions of such goings-on  are disgusting.

                                                                 What will  Jonah  and his now  fellow  inmates  do?  I will leave that to you, readers, except the ending  is a  big compromise to conformity and  Christianity, which shows  Parks-Ramage  to be some kind of closeted hypocrite, or  just someone who should never write another book.  Hopefully,  he will not.  And don't try and tell me this was autobiographical.

                                                                     Not only am  I  ashamed to have read this  tripe--but, how could  I have known, otherwise????--I am glad  to  save  my readers  from this, not to mentinon  I am  ashamed this  book's appearance comes during Pride Month.

                                                                         There is nothing to be proud about, here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...or just someone who should never write another book... LOL!!!
    YOU should write a book!


  2. Victoria,

    Thanks for your support.
    I would love to write a book,
    but have not hit on an idea of
    book length that compels me

  3. Just started it! It was on NYPL list before your review. Up to page 58.


  4. MartyO49

    I confess--I am a retired NYPL
    employee, and THIS was on their
    list. Let me know how you feel,
    when you finish. It gets my
    vote for the worst book of the

  5. Hello..This is my review on the Good Books site ..rated 2 out of four stars:

    "This book has been advertised as horror & suspense but it is really about recovering from an evangelical childhood and making your revised faith part of healing. The main character did implausible things and got into a terrible situation serving his once boyfriend turned master in a compound in the Hamptons. The last 80 pages or so are about his regaining his faith and re conciliating with his father. The author wanted to write many books at once but because of his sketchy treatment of the people involved in the Hamptons horror, the ending left me unsatisfied. There are some well written passages and some hilarious snarky passages written about the people in power which led me to believe that it would have been a better book if he stuck to social horror/satire rather than faith."

    Not terrible but not what I was expecting....So many loose ends: Rashad, Eric, Mace: an implausible quick recovery from the trauma to a snarky critics job, his attempted assassination and then rescue of Richard etc.

    BYW, the author is the partner of Ryan O'Connor of "Special" an awful Netflix series. I did not watch the second season but the first was not good. My husband did like season 2.

  6. MartyO49,

    I was so angered by this book,
    I took his return home as conforming
    to what he was trying to escape from,
    in the first place. I wish it had stayed
    on a single track, then dashing in all
    literary directions.

  7. Thanks, Marty)49. Let me know what else you are reading
