Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Happy Birthday, Faith Domergue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Can you believe it, girls?????????  Just eight days ago, I was talking about how great she was in 1955's "Cult Of The Cobra," as the Snake Goddess, and today, besides being Bloomsday, and my niece's birthday, turns out would have been Faith Domergue's 97th birthday.  Alas, she died, back on April 4, 1999, at the age of  74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                I know what you are thinking.  The resemblance to Hedy Lamarr is stunning!   Faith was quite a looker, New Orleans born, discovered at 16, whisked away by Howard Hughes, and best known for her role as Professor Lesley Joyce, in  the 1955 film, "It Came From Beneath The Sea."  You know, where the giant octopus/squid (?) destroys San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.   Too bad it did not lay eyes on Faith!  It would have  flipped.

                                                                   1955 was her big year,  what with 'Sea,' 'Cobra,' and "This Island Earth."  She never achieved "A" status, but, then, did she really need to?  She was married  three times, and had two children.

                                                                      AND--she was a practicing Catholic.  No Bernadette, but no slattern, either!!!!!!!!!!!  How could she be, with a name like  Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Happy Birthday, Faith Domergue!  Let's hear it, from all  her fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. A beauty!
    She kind of has those Bernadette Peters eyes!


  2. Victoria,

    No question she was attractive. I don't
    quite get Bernadette Peters. I see more
    Hedy Lamarr in her.

  3. I don’t know where I got that either lol
    I think I’ve been in Alabama too long.


  4. Victoria,

    I have a friend who got his Master's
    at the University Of Alabama. He said,
    if not for the school, and it offering
    the program he wanted, and the aid,
    there was nothing else to do there,
    and it was hot as hell!
