Saturday, July 31, 2021

Farewell To July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            As far as I am concerned, July 2021 will forever be remembered by yours truly as the Month Of The Colonoscopy.

                                             Nevertheless,  I managed to do a lot  of reading, which I expect to report on here tomorrow.  And we got to visit, on two special occasions, with our friends Dan and Norma, and Joe, Davida,  and Kathy.  It ALMOST seemed like back to normal.

                                              Alas, procedure or not,  July was still a  month for taking precautions, to get  into that tiny window of enjoyment we could squeeze through.  Baby Gojira went from a Nurse Practitioner, to a Summer Fairy Princess.  With his little dog, Pippin, in his purse, as his medical assistant. They will be taking good care of us, and will be watching "Svengoolie" with us tonight!

                                                So, we have made it through seven months, girls.  With all I put you through, I could not resist going out on this image of levity.

                                     Here is Nancy Kelly, whom I channeled this whole month, taking her screen bow, as Christine Penmark.  You see, in 1956, filmmakers were worried audiences would find "The Bad Seed" so disturbing, and, since most of the Broadway cast was reunited, it was decided to replicate the Broadway curtain calls, to reassure audiences they were kidding; that it was all an act!

                                     As graciously as Nancy smiles here,  I think it is even more so, as this was probably the last time she ever played the exceptionally histrionic role of Christine.

                                      And no one has come near her, since!  Not even Nancy Pelosi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!