Sunday, August 1, 2021

Welcome To August, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Can you believe we are in the eighth month of the year already?  That means after this month, we are in  the "ber" months, (Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.) and, once there,  the year  is pretty much wound up.

                                                   Which is why I always have had ambivalence about August.  As a child, it meant school was around the corner; today I feel it signals not only the approaching (and encroaching) end of Summer, but also of 2021.

                                                       So, darlings, may your August be a fun filled one.  Remember, too, it  is when the "Dog Days Of Summer" set in,  and can be the season's  most scorching month.   Woodstock happened in  August, darlings, so take some time  to  celebrate that.

                                                         For  God's sake,  just celebrate being alive and  functioning during these times we live in.  As for me,  I look forward to a  month of  fascinating reading, and broadcasts of "Svengoolie!"

                                                          Happy August,  everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You too!!!
    August first was my father’s birthday; he would have been 101!!
    His name was “Vito”


  2. Victoria,

    Two childhood friends have
    birthdays on August 1. My
    sister's husband birthday was
    on Aug. 21, and two of her
    grandchildren have August
    birthdays--one on the 15th,
    one on the second.
