Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Girls, I Am Telling You, There Is No Better Way To Start The Day, Than With A Steaming Cup Of Black Coffee, And Listening To "Go Ask ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   As much as David works from  home,  I try to incorporate this into the start of my day, when I can, because Coffee and ANNA clear the mind.

                                    There are some days--and, girls,  we ALL have them--when I get up, look in the mirror, and go, "Bleahhhhhhhhh!"  And ask myself, what in the world am I going to look like today.  Not to mention what am I going to do with my hair, and my skin?

                                      Just a few words from ANNA can get me on my way.  Her appearance, the guidance of her words,  and her sensibility about colors and textures--very important to me--and wearing what reflects who you are--a mantra I share--is as inspiring,  in its own way, as listening to Sister Camille on Sunday.

                                         I bet if ANNA knew about Sister Camille,  she would listen to her!

                                         So,  girls, if  you need a kickstart to your day, this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She’s the Sister Camille of fashion!


  2. Victoria,

    I almost said that in my post,
    then wonder how Sister Camille might
    feel. I have a feeling they would find
    some common ground.
