Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Well, It Is About Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson married on October 29, 2020, hearts were broken across the nation.  Girls and gay men who yearned for Colin failed to realize their dreams, though let me tell you, darlings, facts do not have to stop one from dreaming those dreams.

                                       And this same sector of the populace had a little--well, much more--bit of envy, when Scarlett landed Colin.

                                        I must confess to all this, myself.  However, what I was more concerned about was when in the world were they going to have a baby?  How long would it take Colin to ram it home? And would Scarlett subject herself, again, to childbirth??????????????????????????

                                         Well, the news is out--Scarlett is expecting, so Colin did his best!  Not only that,  but she is said to be due "very soon," so how long has she been carrying this around, and why isn't she showing?  Or maybe she is just staying out of the limelight.

                                             Colin Jost is a good Catholic boy from a good Catholic family on Staten Island, so I know he is thrilled, as are his relations!  A little Jost!  How exciting!  Male or female, with two such stunning creatures as parents, the child cannot be anything but beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Congrats to the expectant parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                And go, Colin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is her third marriage; she was married to Ryan Reynolds many years ago, then another gentleman for a few years.
    Third time’s the charm!!


  2. Victoria,

    I hope you are right. Colin
    deserves happiness. So does
    she! I am sure both will
    be cautious, regarding the child,
    and the public.
