Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joey Chestnut!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I  have decided to break a bit with tradition, girls.  I ushered in the month  with "1776," but for this special day--which evokes sadness  and nostalgia for me because of my childhood past, and my parents' friends we would always visit on this day, but who are now all gone--I chose another tradition, one more bound to those in the tri-state area, and that is Nathan's Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest, At Coney Island.  Last year, things were virtual; this year, they are not; alas, though not coming from Nathan's, but Maimonides Park.

                                 Nevertheless, current champ Joey Chestnut will be on hand, to try for his fourteenth win.  I have no reason to doubt he will achieve it, but let  me tell you something, darlings,  I would not have his gastrointestinal tract for the world.  And while he is only 37, this will catch up to him,  in old age.

                                      But, it  is a day of celebration, so, Joey aside,  have yourselves a fabulous Fourth, while staying safe, and remember sun screen, and to wear your best summer outfit!

                                        Happy Fourth, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. michael love this song every fourth its another fourth of july and when they light up our skies i think what a waste of gunpowder and sky by aimee mann we quote that every fourth hope you and david have a a happy one norman

  2. I haven’t had a hot dog in forever...
    Have you seen how they are made

  3. Norman,

    A Happy 4th to you and Joe.
    Think of you all the time.
    The other day, I was getting up,
    David was home, and the first word
    out of my mouth was "COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!"


  4. Victoria,

    When I was a small child, you could
    take me to the most expensive eatery,
    and all I wanted was "a hot dog and
    a milk shake." With my health problems at
    the time, my mother was grateful just
    to get any food into me, at all. At cookouts,
    I only ate dogs. When I hit puberty, I lost
    my taste for hot dogs, and from then on it was

    Like you, I have not had one in ages. And
    somehow, I don't think I want to see or know how
    they are made. I never even have read "The Jungle,"
    by Upton Sinclair!

  5. ugh I Did read it.
    My father was a Lithuanian immigrant, like the main character.
    I still wish I had not read it.
    Doesn’t that gorging ruin one’s insides?


  6. Victoria,
    Thanks for the heads up.
    I think I will pass. I will
    stick to Sinclair Lewis, instead.
