Sunday, July 4, 2021

Girls, Blake Lively Is Going To Get Me Through "The Procedure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                              Blake is also one of those, of whom I ask, "Who does her hair?," as I would love to have hair as fabulous as that.

                                                Nevertheless, with now seventeen days till "the procedure," I have been inspired by Blake, and I  hope it works.

                                                 Here is how it will go down, plain and simple.

                                                 On  the day of, I am simply going to pretend I am Blake Lively, and that I am doing a fashion shoot!

                                                   That's right,  girls!  Because that is the only way this thing will work.  So, still keep those fingers crossed.  You, too, Blake!

                                                    Who says alternative realities do not have their uses????????????????


  1. omg I do that all the time!
    I also pretend I’m in a reality show.
    Or a wacky sitcom
    Survival Skills...


  2. Victoria,

    You are right; it is a Survival Skill.
    I saw Blake answer 73 Questions, and she
    and I share the same favorite movie--"The
    Wizard Of Oz"--and so, she inspired me.

  3. Her favorite movie? So cool!!!


  4. Victoria,

    Isn't that perfect? I was right, to go
    with Blake!
