Sunday, July 4, 2021

Hey, Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Will You Get To Me??????????????????????????????

                                     The "Joe" I am referring to is Joe Santi, the unseen voice,  and photographer of "VOGUE"S" "73 Questions With......." videos.

                                      Joey, hon, come on, now!   I have been doing this for 14 years, and pre-Covid, believe me, darling, I was on the scene, plus many people--readers and friends--I know are  curious about me,  so couldn't you squeeze me  in,  sometime????????????

                                        Bay Ridge is lovely, and both David and  I bring a sophistication to it, that might otherwise be lacking.  I managed to achieve just that, while  living  in my home  town of Highland Park, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, Joey, get your act in gear!

                                           Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Like I said, I need more than one question.
    One that has crossed my mind, is what do you imagine your life would have been like had you not moved to nyc!!


  2. Victoria,

    Actually, your question is one I ask myself,
    to this day. It will be answered as a regular blog
