Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Is Will Welch The Male Anna Wintour??????????????????????

                                        Judging from this shot of both of them, it would appear he is.

                                         Now, girls,  you may ask, and rightly so, "Who the hell is Will Welch?  As for men, especially straight men,  you are not expected to know anything.

                                         Will  Welch, since 2019, has been the Editor-In-Chief of "GQ," once known to  those of us of a certain age as "Gentlemen's Quarterly."  The main problem I have with him is he is straight, so his approach will be inflexible.  No chance for color or dazzlement, here.  Simply all the dull colors society has forced dressed men to wear at all times.

                                             I mean, all  the great men in  fashion  have  been gay!  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The plus is that ANNA seems to endorse him, so I am not one to argue with her.  The other thing, to  give Welch credit, is  I  need to  look  at an issue of "GQ."  Maybe, as  it turns out,  I am wrong.  At least, I hope so.

                                             Having a male ANNA is a good thing, as long as he is forward thinking.  So, I am willing to give  Welch a  chance.   I would be happy to be proven  wrong.

                                                And, no,  girls, as far as  I know,  he is not from the grape jelly/juice family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. kind of want some buttered toast with grape jelly now...


  2. Victoria,
    Is Welch's grape jelly still on
    the market? I grew up on it.

    In adulthood, I gravitated to
    Smucker's strawberry and peach!
