Wednesday, July 28, 2021

If "The Song Of Bernadette" Is Catholicism 101, Then "Judgement Day" Is Intermediate Catholicism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 When I first saw this ad, about two weeks ago, I knew we were going to watch it.  Just look  at Patti Lu Pone!  She looks as though channeling Gladys Cooper in "The Song Of Bernadette."  A nice, irreverent play about Catholicism would be a perfect evening.  Or so I thought.

                                   The evening was fine, darlings.  And so were the actors.  As schmuck lawyer, Sammy  Campo, Jason Alexander was so tailor made for the role, it was like he was channeling Amanda Plummer--is he acting, or is  he  Jason?  As for Patti, she scores every time, with her irreverent vindication.  If only this had kept up.

                                       Alas, playwright Rob Ulin,  while not wanting  to  write another "Doubt," does incorporate, via Santino Fontana, and Michael  McKean, as priests of differing values (A nod to "Going My Way," from 1944?) the usual questions all Catholics ask--What about belief?  What about Heaven?   What about  Hell?  How  are we  judged?  Let me tell  you something, I started getting upset , because this started pressing my Catholic  trauma  buttons.  I mean,  for  starters, my sex life was active!  And when Patti describes Hell as a pit of boiling, molten diarrhea, this was enough for me to run to the  nearest convent, and  prosthelytize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Nevertheless, a fun time was had by all.  Including David and Baby Gojira,  as well as myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The virtual  presentation  was skillfully handled,  with all actors blending together seamlessly.  I can't guarantee how soon  we will  do  this again, but if  something happens  to catch my eye--as this did--I  am  willing to  give it  another  try.

                                              As for hell and diarrhea, please, I just finished a colonoscopy prep last week,  and I  don't think the God of mercy I believe in  would do such a thing.

                                                Otherwise,  I  would not have been bestowed  with all  the  gifts He gave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  As well as the gratitude  to appreciate them  all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. God’s mercies are New Every Morning!
    And they Endure Forever!!


  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for that wonderful
    and inspiring reminder.
