Monday, July 26, 2021

Why Not Change The Card Game Called "Old Maid," To "Spinster?"

                                        Darlings, both are two sides of  the same coin, and,  besides, isn't "Spinster" than "Old Maid?'

                                         I can recall a time feeling I was consigned to Terminal Spinsterhood,  and destined to be taken away, like Blanche DuBois, at  the close  of "A Streetcar Named  Desire."

                                          Girls, even  in this supposedly so-called "enlightened" age of ours, spinsterhood is still  a social  stigma.  Always the bane of the  heterosexual woman's  existence,  it has now permeated down to gays and lesbians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             What is a person to do?  How does one  initiate change?

                                               Start simple.  With the card  game.  "Old Maid" is outdated.  The name  should be changed to the more diplomatic "Spinster."

                                                Most, if not all, I am sure, would prefer the latter term to the former.

                                                 And, remember, it is more important to win this game in life,  not at cards.

                                                 Otherwise, one might be consigned  to a rocking chair, spinster spectacles, hair in a plain bun, an understated floral outfit with a cat and/or parakeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. uh-oh, I have my hair in a bun and a cat on my lap!!
    Fortunately I also have a husband and children.
    And grandchildren.
    And actually, a pretty full and active life, despite my crying and complaining!!!


  2. Victoria,
    You have so much going for you,
    even if single no one would call
    you a spinster!
