Tuesday, August 17, 2021

If You Ever Find A Reason To Be In Randolph, New Jersey, You MUST Visit "Pink's Pharmacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          It  is  just SO pink,  darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Think of  Diana Vreeland, or  Kay Thompson, in "Funny Face."

                                            Is there ANY good reason to be in Randolph, New Jersey?  Not really, unless, like us, one  happened to be visiting friends, nearby.  But this little  bright gem was enough  to change my mind.

                                            Too bad the place was closed, so I  could  not  explore, and  buy me  some  pink  accessories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Yes, I know of the book and magazines "Weird  New Jersey," but the state is not so much weird, as strange.

                                                  Because, when least expected,  a hidden gem, like this, can be  found!


  1. I read that the governer jetted off to his mansion in Italy

  2. Actually, no judgement; heck if I had a private jet I’d use it too lol
    Not to travel to Italy but to my grandchildren in California


  3. Victoria,
    Since I have no grandchildren,
    I might opt for Italy.
    And while in Europe, go to
