Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Get Real, Rocco's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Those, such as I, who love Bay Ridge, are appalled by Rocco's blatantly anti-vax attitude.  Situated on 94th Street,  and Fourth Avenue, and just seven blocks from a major destination  place, Positano's, Rocco's is in serious danger of losing business, if they don't man up, and vax up.


                                    Who do you trash motherfuckers think  you are?  Murderers putting in danger the lives of  those dumb enough to go to you, anyway?

                                      Well, I won't be a part of it, and I am telling readers on here, not to, either.

                                       As for discrimination, if I walked in there, wearing something identifying me as LGQBT, I would be the first one to be thrown out!

                                        This is the 21st Century, dolts!!!!!!!!!!!  Start to realize it!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Disappointed to hear that.
    Those of us living outside nyc tend to think of it as a progressive, accepting place


  2. Victoria,
    Mostly, that is true, but in
    Rocco's case, they are taking
    the low road!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You're being a tad bit unfair, RQ.

    The owners have been interviewed several times throughout the course of the pandemic, as one of the faces of struggling Brooklyn restaurants. They've never given any sign of being homophobic, which would be suicide in any case given the surprisingly high percentage of LBGTQ+ denizens in the neighborhood.

    One can have a gut level personal aversion to and terror of indoor dining, while also recognizing Cuomo and De Blasio have been utterly fickle and incompetent in their random inconsistent ever-changing restaurant edicts. The places that are protesting the new vax admittance rules aren't against vaccinations per se, what they are against is suddenly being saddled with yet another albatross of potential customer shitshow around their necks by the city/state with no trace of backup support.

    They've been given no proper guidance for evaluating vax "proofs" (which are changing daily and becoming so diluted as to render the policy meaningless), no help in handling waves of confused frustrated customers, and this was rushed onto the books with no thought to how it will strangle the restaurant recovery phase in its infancy. The science on NYC restaurant transmission is mixed at best, "the vax culture war" misrepresented at worst (lets just say the overwhelming majority of people refusing to be vaxxed in NYC are not the Brooklyn/Staten Island Italians (most of whom were first on line for the shots).

    The vax resisters in NYC are almost exclusively POC, many of whom work in the medical field or in city agencies, so should really know better by now. Rocco's, like many other local restaurants, is absolutely terrified of landing on a Facebook Live video stream the minute they refuse admittance to a POC who can't/won't provide proof of vaccination. They will inevitably be portrayed as "racist" despite the policy not originating with the restaurants themselves (and they know the city will hang them out to dry and fail to take responsibility for the policy once it backfires).

  4. My Dear,
    I never suggested Rocco's
    was racist. And your points about
    DeBlasio and company are on the mark.

    David will be facing the issue head on,
    if he ever returns to the office--though
    that is not a sure thing at this point--
    and while some POC in his agency are
    vaxed, some are not. Not to mention the
    public he has to deal with.

    I was talking to a coworker of mine at
    LPA, and learned there are some there who
    refuse the vaccine. I could name them.
    But that this organization contained such
    folk, susrprised me. Maybe I am being

    As for Rocco, that remains to be seen.
    As far as the city coming back, and all these
    so-called concerts, I think it a bit premature.
