Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Wouldn't This Be Perfect For My Insanity Room, Darlings?????????????????????????

                                         Back on April  4, 2018, I ran a post describing my ideal Insanity Room.  One side wall would have a picture of Myra Hindley, another of Pippa Scott as Lucy in 1956's "The Searchers" screaming, a ceiling  in red and yellow stripes, and the floor painted Flash-like--red background with a thick yellow lightniing bolt, in center.

                                          But after seeing how this iconic  photo of  Janet  Leigh was used, how could I resist????????????  So, I will  have to find some other  use for  that shot of Pippa/Lucy screaming.   How about facing one in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet??????????????????????????

                                          In any case, Janet is  a great decorating device.  I am ashamed I  did  not think of her,  first.

                                           Everyone, at  some point, needs an Insanity Room.

                                          After all, as Norman Bates,  said, "We all  go a little mad, sometimes!"