Wednesday, August 18, 2021

This Couple Pulled A Fast One On Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This post's original title was to be "How Far Gone Is Scarlett?"

                                      Well, that can be forgotten!  Yesterday, I just found out for sure, that she was pregnant, meaning Colin had done his  job, and rammed his swimmers home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Today, I find out, on  this very day, that Scarlett gave bith to a baby boy, whom the couple has decided to name  Cosmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Cosmo?  What  is  that all about???????????  One thing--with  parents as gorgeous as these, Cosmo  is sure to be a win-win in the looks department!

                                                And it is about time  this happened.  I knew they would have a child,  and  that it woould be a  boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Kiss, kiss,  from all  your fans,  Colin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your prophesy was spot on!!
    But Cosmo? Seriously??
    He IS a comedian; could they be having a little fun with us?

  2. Victoria,

    I agree with your premise.
    But recall Vincent Gardenia's
    character in "Moonstruck" was
    named Cosmo. If it is for
    real, maybe it relates to Jost
    being named Colin, or has some
    importance to either side of the

  3. Virginia,
    Yes, the name Cosmo is said
    several times. Wonder if the
    couple selected it as an alternate
    to Colin, Jr.?
