Friday, August 20, 2021

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has Alice Ripley Become The New Ghislaine Maxwell Or Allison Mack??????????????????????

                                       Early in my tenure at my former workplace--I was not on the desk when it happened, but I heard later--a little girl, about 10, approached the person sitting at the Info Desk, and said she was "approached" by an older woman in the public ladies room.

                                          This blew my mind, back then.  Female pedophilia, for sure, exists, but this was the first I had heard of  it.  Male pedophilia gets reported all the time.  But the female version either is ignored or hushed--and it should not be.

                                              Which brings me to Alice  Ripley!  Alice Ripley???????????  Yes, Alice  Ripley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She, whom I saw on Broadway in the original production of "Side Show," and as Janet, in a revival of "The Rocky Horror Show," at Circle-In-The-Square, seems to be joining the ranks of Ghislaine Maxwell and  Allison Mack.   Is such a thing possible??????????????

                                                   I would hate, at this point, to conclude it is, but the possiblity, until  the proverbial jury weighs in, has to be considered.  What would motivate a 57 year old  woman to  go after  young girls?  If Alice is a lesbian, why can't she find companionship among her contemporaries?????  She is attractive enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     This is truly upsetting to  me.  Because, no matter how this plays out, the stigma will always be there, so, concering Broadway, it is "Bye, bye, Alice."

                                                       Prove it isn't so, Alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Her “apology” missed the mark, I thought


  2. Victoria,
    I agree. I want more evidence,
    but I am afraid the future does
    not look good for her. Too bad,
    she was so talented!
