Sunday, August 22, 2021

THIS Is Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Anything Goes," Cole Porter said, back in 1934.  That was 87 years ago, darlings!  Wonder what he would say now?

                                      There is some TV commercial out there, for some probiotic, called, I think, "Garden  Of Life," that has continuous shots of  women talking on camera about pooping--and calling it--that!--while others are sitting out on the open, on the, ahem!, commode, allegedly doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This  has got to stop!  Bring back the days of  civility, where the camera would show shots of elders walking or sitting in the park, with a voiceover going, "Regularity.....were you born that way?"

                                           I mean, those who needed to know got the point, and those who do not wish to discuss such things were not repulsed!

                                              This is inexcusable!  And it is discriminatory!

                                              Forty-four years ago, in 1977, an author named Taro Gomi wrote a book called "Everyone Poops."  I believe it is still in print!

                                               So, why doesn't this phony company at least get real, and acknowledge that, in the commercial?

                                                Show everyone, if you must, not just women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Victoria,
    Indeed. I am betting whatever is
    next will come from Gwynth Paltrow!

  2. Probably, right?
    What goes through her mind???


  3. Victoria,
    I have no idea what goes through her mind,
    but I am afraid, eventually, we will all find out.
    How could this woman have been raised by Blythe Danner?
