Sunday, August 22, 2021

Girls, Wouldn't "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" Have Made A Great Colorforms Kit????????????????????????????????

                                             I know many of you out there recall Colorforms--hell, I owned a lot of sets--but what the company missed was Camp Creativity, which would have resulted, and still could, in lots of fun for established and burgeoning  queens!

                                                 'Baby Jane' has always been an iconic item in this department.  Now,  imagine  it as  a  Colorforms  kit,  with  a plastic board, depicting the theater in 1917, and the Hudson house, where owners could act out the entire story themselves, or re-imagine it, their way!

                                                   For example,  some could just push Blanche,  in chair, down the stairs.  Proponents of  Joan Crawford could kick Jane across the room, push her down the stairs, or do her in, at the beach.

                                                   As for the childhood sisters, who needs psychotherapy?  Use the plastic figures to act out your own personal trauma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Think of the emotion released, and the money saved.

                                                     Yes, Colorforms could recreate other films and musicals!  How about "Gypsy?"  Or "Funny Girl?"

                                                        However, let me one thing clear--there will be NO  kit  devoted to "The Song Of Bernadette!"



  1. I loved my colorforms!
    I had Holly Hobbie and Mary Poppins, which ones did you have?!


  2. Victoria,

    I had Mary Poppins, too.
    Also Pinocchio, Huckleberry Hound,
    Miss Cookie;s Kitchen AND The Debbie
    Reynolds Dress Designer Kit!

  3. Oh snap. I Coveted the Debbie Reynolds!!!

  4. Victoria,
    The Debbie Reynolds kit
    was fabulous. It made me what
    I am today!
