Thursday, September 30, 2021

Can You Believe We Are Now Three Quarters Through 2021?????????????????????????????

                                        Today we say farewell to September; altogether a good month.  I sang "Frank Mills," sat in the iconic spot from Woody Allen's "Manhattan," spent time with Dexter and Cujo, and, most important, time with my beloved David.

                                          We had a blast with the Svengoolie screening of  "Blood Of Dracula,"  this past Saturday.  I tried to see "Dear Evan Hansen" today, but no luck.   Maybe Monday.

                                            All in all, a quiet, peaceful month.  Even my sister has settled into her new adobe.

                                            Have to run, darlings!  "SVU' starts at eight!  Let's all  watch it!


  1. What a pretty floral wreath!
    I’d hang that on my door!!

    I meant to ask you about your sister.
    SO glad she has adjusted quickly.
    As for my mother, she actually said that she prefers to socialize with the positive, upbeat residents.
    Sadly, the majority seem to be negative, fault-finding grouches.
    That attitude is So ingrained but can be improved If you Really want to!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am with your mother. Negativity
    only drags you down. It took me awhile
    to learn this.
