Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Perhaps This Should Have Been "Red Tide's" Final Shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I was right!  Alma was the last one standing.  Sure, Ursula and the Chemist survived, but, with the latter taking off into the sunset, with  Baby Boy Gardener, Ursula exercising her  career bitchery, to the point Alma really does not need her, leaving Little Miss on her own,  which I imagined she always wanted  to be, Alma was the real survivor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And the beautiful Lily Rabe is a bald Untalented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, "Red Tide" really should have ended with Alma sinking her teeth into Daddy--which would have been delightfully macabre--or on her concert note of triumph, with the viewer knowing what she doesn't--that, like Baby Jane Hudson, Alma's star will  be  short lived; once she reaches adulthood, she  will  cease to be a novelty,  and be another chair in another orchestra.   But no one  can  tell  Alma that.  Or  they die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           She may have an interesting future, at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Watching Belle and Austin getting devoured was fun, because I disliked them, once  they determined to gorge on the Gardener baby.

                                               Aside from Alma, "Red Tide" ended like its title--just washing out to sea.

                                               More was expected from the promising previous episodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Meanwhile, let's see what "Death Valley" holds for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Had its high points.
    The next one will be better, I just know it!

  2. Victoria,
    After last night, I am not so sure.
    None of the young actors seem destined
    for anything, and yet it started out
