Monday, September 20, 2021

Goodbye, Summer Of 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         For those, like I, who believe tomorrow is officially the first day of Autumn, when Proserpina  goes back to Hell for the next six months, today marks  the official last day of Summer.!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The first thing to be said is Summer Of 2021 was better than that of 2020!  The second is it seemed the fastest Summer on record.  It just flew, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And though not much happened, there were trips to bookstores, books that got read, plays that got viewed, and all kinds of health safe, at home, fun.

                                               This is usually a time of sadness, but for some reason, not this year, what with contemplating the coziness of  cool Autumn and  cold Winter nights, all with  my beloved David, there is more to look forward to, than bemoan.

                                                   So, you were a good  one, Summer of  2021.  May the rest of the year go as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And what better way to mark the season's end,  than Christine Ebersole, as Little Edie,  singing, from the 2006 musical, "Grey Gardens," "Another Winter In  A Summer Town????????????"

                                         Happy Autumn To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I glance in the mirror and what do I see
    A middle aged woman inhabiting me
