Friday, September 17, 2021

Let's Catch Up With "American Horror Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      The fourth episode, entitled "Blood  Buffet," demonstrates why I avoid buffets, at all cost.  With the sole  exception of  The Court Of Two Sisters, which is based in New Orleans, most buffets are simply excuses for White Trash pigs to indulge their gluttony.

                                        But I had to hand it to AHS, which gave us Belle and Austin's back stories.  Belle, with Frances Conroy shining as always, was a beaten down, emotionally abused wife,  who fancied herself a would be Barbara Cartland or Danielle Steel.  I believe the latter  is referenced.  I am telling you, after Belle takes the pill, and tears into her abusive husband,  I  bet everyone watching was applauding furiously. I  know I  was.

                                           Now,  where did that pill come  from?  The sudden arrival  of  chemist Angelica Ross explains its spreading, but just who is this dame? A mad doctor?  A disciple of the Devil?  Both???????  The  final  episode is approaching fast; will  all these questions be answered?  Or what will viewers  be left  with?

                                             Frances  was  not  the only one  who shined.  So,  too, did  the  brilliant Evan  Peters, as  the most  faux of  faux drag artists; he could  not even get  his wig on  right, so that  his real  locks  shone through.  Priceless.

                                               It was smart having  this episode be somewhat cathartic and  humorous.  Because the one that follows  is anything but.


                                "Gaslight," which was episode five, was emotionally wrenching.  Ursula, in true bitch form, is linked with Harry and  Alma to  drive  Doris,  who  has just  given  birth, mad.  Lily Rabe makes  her moments almost  a potential  redo of "Rosemary's Baby," and she  is up to the level of Mia.  Crafty little Alma comes in, and  manipulates Mommy into talking the pill.  Unfortunately, and  I was afraid of  this, Lily/Doris turns  into  one of  the Untalented, and even her gorgeous hair falls  out.  The make-up department really gets  credit for this one.

                                    Now, get ready for this.  Mickey professes  love  to  Karen, and  tries to con her into taking the pill.  Karen is  smart, but ambiguous; does she take the pill,  or doesn't she?  She morphs, or pretends to, into a blood  feeder,  gorging on Mickey, so that is the end of  Macualay Culkin.  And, unless he is lucky enough to get a gig from this, so goes his career...again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Sarah/Karen is the saddest.  Her artwork never shown, but still with a social conscience, she  walks into  the ocean, committing suicide.   I hope Sarah was properly layered for  this  shot, so  as  not  to catch pneumonia.  I actually cried at the last sight of Karen.  In some ways, I felt  this  should have ended "Red Tide," as the waters  flowed  with Karen's blood.

                                          So, heaven knows what we are in for, next week, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I am telling you, that Alma!   I bet she'll be the last one standing!


  1. I actually used to like buffets.
    But, I’ve seen too much...


  2. Victoria,
    So have I! Enough
    to steer me away from them.
    Except that place in New Orleans!
