Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Let's Get Real About Gabby Petito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                    As soon  as this attractive girl was cited as missing, I knew she was dead.  And I  know who the scum was that did it.   He is pictured here.

                                      But now that the body having been found in Wyoming's Grand Teton National  Park, has been declared to be Gabby, and Brian has gone missing, I would venture that he, too, is dead, by suicide, as he was too cowardly to face up to his deeds.  I am also convinced he killed that other couple, which means not only looking at a burgeoning serial killer, but, for Brian, the death penalty--which I  would favor--or  LWOP.

                                         I have discovered that both  Gaby and Brian were native Long Islanders, and childhood sweethearts.  Let me say the day she met Brian was the worst day of  her life.

                                          Suddenly,  the Laundries up and move to North Port, Florida.  From what I have seen of the house, it is clearly White Trash, and so are they.  My heart goes out to the  Petitios, but how could they, even with their daughter being  of legal age,  allow her to live with this scum and his trash family, as they live  off of  the parents?  The whole  arrangement is  wrong,  disgusting, and I am telling you, officials had better look  into Brian's past--just ten years, back  to age twelve, since  he  is  only twenty-two.  There will  be  signs and clues pointing to this behavior, and perhaps even  evidence he has done this before.  I would not be  surprised.

                                                   Maybe this is why the Laundries moved.  They did not want their dirty linen aired.  Well, now  it will be. They are  complicit with Brian in all he did; Gabby especially, and anything having come  before.

                                                       Track  down this trash, and destroy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Gabby deserved a better future.  At the very least, being  whisked to  Paris by a sophisticated Frenchman, telling her, "Gabrielle, the wine almost fell into my shoes."

                                                           Rest In Peace, Gabby.  And justice for your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Yes I knew immediately as well.
    Didn’t want to be right, but knew I was.

  2. Hang on until ALL the details come out, kids: theres a LOT more to this story than the cliche "toxic relationship 100% mans fault he killed her" narrative. He's almost certainly involved in her death, and his family's behavior is so bizarrely suspect it borders on drug addled, but there is definitely more here than meets the eye. As usual with these stories, the initial coverage that later got feverishly swept under the rug and buried is more telling than the current stereotyped boilerplate reporting.

    No one deserves to be killed and left alone in a remote area, full stop, but this was an unusually odd relationship (their full history together is riddled with off-the-wall behavior). Abridging it to "he was an abusive scumbag" erases what could be instructive life lessons young women (and men) could glean from this tragedy, wrongly reducing her death to an instantly forgettable derivative Lifetime cable movie.

    As for that other couple that was killed in a similar location, thats another story that has been stupefyingly whitewashed by "journalists" to the point it makes no sense whatsoever, bearing no resemblance to actual facts. Its become the poster child for backfired politically-correct reporting actually causing harm and disrespecting the victims of a crime. Lets just say the chances Brian had anything to do with those other killings are very slim (I'd almost believe Mrs Voorhees did it first).

  3. My Dear,
    Things are heating up. The parents, now being
    called the "Dirty Laundries" are being targeted
    for investigation. You are right, so many things
    need to be known, but odds are Brian killed himself
    or is fleeing in cowardice, aided by parents.

    While I delightfully await for a future Mrs. Voorhees
    to emerge (though who could equal Betsy Palmer?) the
    other couple's bodies near Gabby's is too close for me to
    consider it coincidental.

    Brian is a loser from the word go. I want to know
    more of Gabby's backstory; there were signs, I am sure,
    which she saw, and was not aware of, or did not choose to be.

    Time will tell. My wish is that Alma Gardener, between
    concert engagements, finds him and gorges herself on him.

    But then, what does a loser like this know about culture?
