Wednesday, September 22, 2021

In Remembrance

                                    I knew this day had meaning, girls, when I suddenly realized--today is the 11th anniversary of the death of Tyler Clementi.  He would be approaching thirty--can you believe it--and my guess would be he might have been involved in some research work to  help us out of this pandemic.

                                        Alas, he was not given that chance.

                                        The two who caused this are still out there. I wonder how they live with themselves now, or maybe they are devoid of conscience.

                                         Let us remember Tyler, and this as a day to help those still suffering from bullying by those less tolerant.  May Tyler's memory serve as a reminder that so-called outcasts deserve a chance too, and may ultimately prove more contributory than their more popular contemporaries.

                                            You are not forgotten, Tyler!  May your memory help society move forward in this direction!


  1. God shall wipe away all tears
    There’s no death, no pain, no fears
    And they count not time by years
    For there is no night there...

  2. Victoria,
    May the Lord have mercy, on that
    poor, innocent young man's soul!!!!!!!!!
