Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Darlings, What Better Way To Spend A Sunday Evening, Than Listen To Jessie Mueller Sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Which is exactly what David and I did, two evenings ago, thanks to Seth Rudetsky, and his concert series.  Jessie was the featured guest--she has been on before, because we have seen her with Seth before--but Jessie is always worth tuning in.  One thing though--Seth, hon, bring it  down.  I mean, we tune in to Jessie, not you.  While you are not quite the media whore that Lin-Manuel Miranda is, your yacking got in the way; without it, another song might have been squeezed out of Jessie. You are a great accompanist--hell, I would love to work with you--but remember who viewers/listeners are tuning in to.

                                                       And such nepotism, allowing your partner,  James Wesley. to sing.  Nice voice, not bad, not distinctive.  Jessie carried him, all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Jessie opened with "Beautiful," which, along with "So Far Away" is my favorite of her Carole King renderings.  She sang "She Used To Be Mine," from "Waitress," which still brings tears to my eyes, and she sang two other songs, I think from "Waitress," I was not so familiar with, but were a pleasure to hear.

                                                       But we also got to hear Jessie sing three classics associated with icons--"The Trolley Song" and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas;" both  Garland classics,  but here interpreted by Jessie uniquely, and would have made Judy sit up and take note, in her grave.  Especially on 'Christmas' she soared, making me tear up, as did Margaret O' Brien in "Meet Me  In St. Louis, which the song is  from.

                                                        The piece de resistance was the closing number,  which was "Ice Cream," from "She Loves Me!"   I thought this song would vanish, once Barbara Cook  passed on, but Jessie's rendition will keep it alive, and when will she do "She Loves Me!" on Broadway?  I know Laura Benanti did it awhile ago, and she was fine, but Jessie is exceptional, and we want  to see her do it!

                                                           Aside from this,  I  saw  a clip of Jessie, with some  orchestra, singing "People" from "Funny Girl."  See this, and forget Beanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             It is Jessie,  who should be doing this role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                    Here is Jessie singing "Ice Cream," in a non-audience concert at P-town!  Just listen to that voice!  And that final note!  Not since Barbara Cook, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW she is right up there with Barbara!
    And BARBRA!!


  2. Victoria,
    This is the best rendition of
    "Ice Cream" I have heard since Barbara
    Cook. Jessie is who should be doing
    "Funny Girl." You can find her on
    YouTube, singing "People." She is not
    BARBRA, but puts her own spin on it.
    And she has the vocal strength.


  3. Victoria,
    BARBRA would never allow it!
