Tuesday, October 19, 2021

It Still Holds Up, Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Girls, I have absolutely no doubt that in some small town communities today, this would still be regarded as a vile  book.  I mean, girls pulling off their panties in cars, or trying on falsies in their bedroom??????????  America can't have that, can it???????????????

                                                    Grace Metalious knew, and she told.  And, in some way suffered for it.  But her tale holds up today.  This must be my fourth reading of "Peyton Place," and I cannot get over how well written it is.  A high school grad, but no college, or lit or creative writing courses, and she wrote a book for the ages.  Remarkable.

                                                      And, girls,  let me tell you, every word of it is true, because, having grown up in a small town, I LIVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have written about some of my more repugnant school mates, but there are some things I have never written about, such as--

                                                         The horrible suicidal death of my mother's friend, back  in 1978.

                                                           The almost traumatic incident which happened to me on November 12, 1970.

                                                             The unforgivable letter an uncle by marriage wrote to my mother and I, while she lie dying in the hospital, of lung cancer, in early 1979.

                                                                So, don't try and tell me I did not LIVE "Peyton Place."  

                                                                These three events marked the last straw.  I knew then I had to get out of not only Highland Park, but New Jersey--and  fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Grace knew the score, while I learned it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The traumas you have never shared publicly, I totally get that.
    Have you journaled them?


  2. Victoria,
    Actually, I have not. Perhaps
    that is a good idea.

    BTW, one thing about "Peyton Place"
    that was forward for its time. All the
    leading young charactes--Allison, Norman Page,
    and Rodney Harrison were all being raised by
    single parents. Unusual for that time.

  3. Wow she WAS ahead of her time!
    That was practically unheard of!!


  4. Victoria,
    Indeed, it was. Took me
    so long to realize how that
    stood out.

    Just to correct a mistake
    I made--it is Rodney Harrington,
    not Harrison.

  5. Victoria,
    There was more to Grace
    than was known. Too bad
    she died so young, at 39.

  6. I didn’t realize she died so young!!
    My KIDS are in their thirties!

  7. Victoria,

    Apparently, she squandered all
    the money she made, drank herself
    to death. On her death bed, she
    said, "Be careful what you wish for.
    You just may get it."
